Project Timeline

  1. Build Gymnasium Environment for

    An Environment that allows us to use Gymnasium and together, so we can gather observations and perform steps asynchronously.

  2. Started experimenting with Behaivour Cloning / Imitation Learning Approaches

    We implemented, trained and evaluated several different approaches for behaviour cloning, including Dagger, Gail, aswell as general CNN approaches.

  3. Used the In-Game 'AI' to generate training Datasets

    We developed a way to harness the available in-game AI to generate larger training datasets in less time, compared to human controlled / generated datasets.

  4. Experiments with several different Approaches of Behaivour Cloning, Reinforcement Learning and End-to-End Data Aquisition

    Continued experimentation with different approaches including DQN, Segmentation, Frame Stacking and more.

  5. Developed Reinforcement Learning Approach

    Our approach uses the Soft-Actor-Critic architecture to train an agent on several in-game attributes.

  6. Testing an End-to-End Reinforcement Learning Approach

    We investigated how adding the current image to the observations can improve the performance of the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent.

  7. Convolutional Neural Network to generate Road Curvatures out of Images

    The networks purpose is to generate a part of the needed inputs to the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent from an image, instead of using the in-game data.

  8. Convolutional Neural Network to generate Rangefinders out of Images

    Much like the Road Curvatures, the networks purpose is to generate a part of the needed inputs to the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent from an image, instead of using the in-game data.

  9. Convolutional Neural Network to generate Speed / Acceleration vectors out of Images of the UI

    Reading out parts of the UI to get current speed and acceleration for the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent.

  10. [In Devolopment] Retrain the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent with the new Inputs generated from the different Networks

    We're investigating whether retraining the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent with the new inputs, generated from the different networks, will equal or improve the performance of the Agent.

  11. [In Devolopment] Building a final End-to-End Network with the Soft-Actor-Critic Agent

    Finalizing our End-to-End Network, by combining all of the previously mentioned parts into a single network, that takes an image as input and outputs the needed controls for the Game.